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Knee bouncing, I pulled at the string attached to the bottom of my dress and wrestled with my inner demons. I’d saved a woman who despised me, beat me to the ground and rubbed by face in her filth. And yet, I couldn’t save the man I loved. Elizabeth

OK – Fated Alpha really should have been slated as a Paranormal Erotica series, or perhaps just straight up Erotica. In Elizabeth, Guardian of Dragons, Elizabeth was either thinking of sex, talking with her guys about sex, (while grinding on them) or actually having sex. (I know, I know… you’re like, hey grandma, reverse harem much, but come on, hear me out!) The plot floundered as a consequence. The forward momentum started flagging in book 4 and petered out (excuse the pun) in book 5.

However, by the end of the book, I have no doubt that the author has grand plans for book 6, Elizabeth and the Thunder of Dragons coming June 19, 2018! Thank you, Aria, for asking Elizabeth to return to her pack and figure out who was behind her parents’ murder and possibly the plot against the Dragon Queen. Annnnnnnd…. the surprise visitor who has come a-knockin’ promises trouble!

There is an addictive quality to the series and I will definitely continue to read what Ava Mason is putting out. Quite possibly because of my old-fashioned sensibilities, I had been holding out hope that Elizabeth would pick just one guy – I know☹. (And now if you’re wondering why I would read anything in this particular genre, the answer is I love to read and don’t want to limit my literary landscape, so to speak😊)

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