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I just finished Jinn’s Dominion – OMG, I thought it was a trilogy – Dying! So excited that Zam’s story isn’t finished. Shannon Mayer is incapable of putting out a bad series – and I should know, I’ve read them all!

The story itself could be considered a light-hearted fantasy jaunt, but Mayer has given such a thorough background to each character that the reader understands clearly that the humor (for the most part) covers anything from insecurities to deeper wounds like abandonment, bullying, and the tragedy of seeing a parent murdered. Mayer is able to portray her characters’ flaws by allowing them to react honestly to any given situation; with anger, humor, and tears. The humorous scenes will make you LOL (especially between Zam and her ex Steve!!). It should be noted that the sister love between Zam and Lila is classic, but my favorite character is still Maks – think tortured soul (Edward Cullen before he dated Bella) with a dad as horrible as Jafar from Aladdin (but good looking).

What will you take away from this book, the whole series really – the meaning of perseverance. Zamira never quits, against all odds (about 580 massive odds), she remains full of heart and determination, love and killer skills!!

***Note: If you want to see an easy to follow list of several series by Shannon Mayer that I love the best, go to my Top Picks page!

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