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I am embarrassed to admit that I thought Jess Calhoun’s story ended in Mind Game, Nico and Dahlia’s book! So, as I am cruising through the Ghostwalker series and begin the 6th installment – I was like…whhaaaat…Nice! Jess is the bomb! Predatory Game features the still BA, wheelchair-bound, Ghostwalker Jess and the sultry-voiced, radio host, Saber Wynter.

Are you wondering – how can there be the same rough and tumble a$$ kicking scenes we are used to with the lead unable to walk? – never fear, the mind is a curiously strong weapon and Jess is one smart mutha (plus he’s still totally in shape – no TV, potato chip binges for this guy)!! And FYI – with throwing no spoil your way – Saber isn’t really a distressed heroine seeking superhero kind of woman!

Off topic of Predatory Game, but has anyone else wondered if Ghostwalker: Next Generation (sorry…Star Trek fan) might come into creation with all the babies being made by enhanced parents?

I will be starting book 7 Murder Game in three days (Yes, I already have it on my Kindle – Yes, I want to start it right now – No, I won’t peek to see who is in it (maybe I will peek) – and Yes, this series is amazing like extra crunchy peanut butter amazing)!

I hope you enjoyed this review and my ongoing Ghostwalker pursuit! If you would like to purchase this title please help support my site and use the link below. Thank you for visiting!