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Most Ghostwalker fans probably agree that there is absolutely no way that the series could suddenly get any hotter than its eleven predecessors… Well, having just finished #12, Spider Game, I can, with absolute authority, disagree (wholeheartedly, and with a clear conscienceĀ – swear on extra-crunchy pbĀ – look you straight in the eye – disagree). I seriously worried for my Kindle’s life. My electronic baby surely shouldn’t be inundated (repeatedly…with enthusiasm) with so much handholding sweet words long walks in the swamp…ummm… intercourse (I could still be talking about sweet words)🔥

When Christine Feehan writes she becomes a military genius, World traveler, topography mastermind, genetic mutation God, Dr. Phil, a prodigy of sexology, expert herbalist, and… hello – the list is legion. Basically, where she writes – we follow. I believe the idiom, no stone unturnedĀ (or researched) had to have been coined after this author. OK – gushfest finished (for now).

I knew – KNEW – Trap would be a Ghostwalker to catch attention! Fine, they all are dammit! Trap is worth redundancy don’t you think?! Having stroked the ginormous Trap-ego let’s move on to Cayenne. This arachnid babe needs a bloody medal for putting up with the Trapswings (off the charts moods swings for those not picking up what I’m throwing down) and then she needs to be paid a couple mil for a Sex-Trap tell-all book… (I’d buy it). You will love Cayenne’s story – very similar to Pepper’s in Viper Game, and yet… not (yes, I’m aware of the contradiction).

I already started reading Power Game. I decided to just go all in – devour one after the other until there are no Ghostwalkers of the past – only those To Be Released♥

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