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This is a saga in its truest form – a series filled with Savage Ancient Gods who are deadly Af… (A new acronym… you’re welcome)

♥♥♥Shadow and Ice: Gods of War♥♥♥ Think 300, Hunger Games, Game of Thrones, and Harry Potter (Hey… it had to make the list – magical weapons!). It is every cinematic movie I die over rolled into one!!

If Gena Showalter’s newest series Gods of War doesn’t make your top ten – pssst… please consider therapy.

The cast of characters is endless with Shadow and Ice featuring Knox and Vale. Knox is a war professional. Yes, he’s a killer. Yes, he wants to win no matter the cost. No, you shouldn’t trust him. Is he going to surprise you… completely. Do not bother trying to hypothesize the story’s outcome – waste of time – just read – don’t let your mind wander – just keep turning the pages. Also, you may want to strap on the full chest harness because the author puts the pedal to the medal and does not let up – you’ll be thrown back in your seat and stay there for 448 pages in a pure adrenaline rush. As if Knox isn’t amazing enough, we also get Vale, and at 5’10 – she’s a whole lotta leggy fierce (and when you get to read conversations between sisters Vale and Nola – nothing but good feels)! Neither Knox or Vale had fairy tale childhoods – unfortunately, Knox’s life continued to be hell throughout adulthood… and he’s an immortal… soooo… the award for ‘Needs a Hug Most’ has to go to the ancient.

The way Gena Showalter writes – it is addictive, humorous (serious humor), and how you want characters to interact but rarely do – in other words – Real. Even with all the otherworldly hoopla, mystical weapons, and Gods of War shenanigans, the characters are believable. If you’re telling yourself that you just don’t have time in your life for another series – tap the brakes, take a breath, and remember – anything worthwhile is worth fighting for (oh, and sleep is overrated – just shave an hour off here and there 💤).

I can’t wait to hear what everyone thinks!! As usual, comment here, or my FB and Twitter pages! If you haven’t ordered your copy the link is below and if you’d like to Subscribe Now you’ll receive emails when I post new reviews! Thank you for visiting!