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Linus. Grier. Haunted House. Honeymoon. Power Couple + Cold Showers + Unsolved Mystery = How to Survive an Undead Honeymoon❤☠❤

For the BGtN fans who thought this sweet little post-wedding epilogue to Grier’s story would be a breezy, hand-holding (boring), walk on a beach, with tropical fruit drink umbrellas spinning (splash of Vitamin L for the lady) – you are so going to be disappointed! Or thrilled! I’m still doing the Necromancer happy dance – oh wait, laying like an undead corpse on the floor isn’t really celebratory, rather more like a tantrum over finishing the book…

Hailey Edwards’ Necromancy series may deal with a whole lot of dead things but this author’s writing breaths life. #MegaFan

*Note – Ants on a Log (Chapter 11, Loc 1889) My favorite snack of all time and one of Grier’s🥬😵🥜 (FYI – I freeze my raisins… makes it taste like a candy bar💋

Proven – Edwardsesque Necromancy is the answer to the COVID-19 quarantine!!! If you haven’t gotten your copy of How to Survive an Undead Honeymoon, the Amazon link is below. If you would like to receive an email when I post new reviews, Subscribe Now!