Why do Eve/Stone fans love the Titan’s Saga? #BecauseItsF#@k!%gAwesome (Reminder: this is Whiskey & Wit, not Eloquently Witty…)!
As fantasy finales go, Revenge of the Gods delivers! Without divulging any tsunami plot twisters – and I CANNOT stress this enough… there are a S#!t-ton of Titany zingers – Cronus and Maisey have a lot of hell levels to traverse, gods to mow through, Crab Shack food to attack (…Maisey), and off-world hopping before their happily ever after is Fate approved. Cronus might be the baddest of the badA$$es but the authors have somehow managed to make him teddy bear huggable, and while Mais still hashtags her thoughts, hanging with a bunch of immortals has really shifted the #HairGoddessOfSocialMedia to deeper contemplations, boosting her unplugged confidence (she’s still obsessed with anacondas though…). I will say this yet again – The Titan’s Saga is Romantic Comedy Fantasy Gold!
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