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When I read the first book in this series, Poison and Honey, I was absolutely thrilled with Kristen Brand’s originality. Now that I’ve finished the second book, Sting of Thorns… well… tornadic winds would have less impact on my psyche than this high speed, lightning bolt, fantasy extravaganza! Leigh and Dredarion are back, and I pray their story Keeps. On. Going. You’ll remember from book one that Leigh is human (Or, as the Others lovingly refer to them, mud people) and Dredarion is a BA magic-making, shape-shifting, royal Sir Into-Intrigue Other. I screamed NOOOOO at Poison’s ending and YESSSS at Sting’s beginning. Will their story continue to be a maelstrom of adversity, hidden agendas, and unrequited love? Oh, how sweet, you thought I was in a sharing is caring mood😏

*Note – There are a number of independently published authors that I review for, and I’ve found a cavern full of mediocre, good, great, and exceptional. In KB, I recognize an author with not only imagination but an expertise in writing and style that is rarely discovered in the deluge of new authors. Dark and Otherworldly is a series that bridges mundane and magical worlds effortlessly.

Thank you for stopping in! Dark and Otherworldly is one series that should be placed on your Read Now list, and in case you haven’t started yet (Come On people! Start!) I’ve placed Amazon links below for the first book and a preorder link for Sting of Thorns, which drops next week September 15! Thank you, thank you, thank you to Kristen Brand for allowing me a prerelease copy! Get KB current – check out the author’s website here Also, if you haven’t read P&H the following link takes you directly to the review.