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The dynamic between Hana, Nicholas, Carter, and Sawyer continues to evolve and heat up… add Hana’s childhood bestie Ren AND the wolf-God Osyn into the mix and Their Muted Howls is a runaway tsunami ready to suck in unwary bibliophiles!

There are times when I wish Hana was less a passenger in her life and more of a driver, but it looks as though she is headed into boss-a$$-Bi!@# territory!!! Looking. Forward. To. It. The Kitsune’s Pack is a pretty unique series for those who adore shifter fantasy like I do. Plus, you get wolf and fox shifters at the same time! AND, the author notes at the end of Their Muted Howls that this is NOT the last book in the series (thank you little, tiny, baby Jesus), and vampires might be headed our way! Yessssss!!!!!!

*Note – Someone important dies, but I’m not telling🤐

Thank you for stopping by! If you are new to the series I am adding Amazon links for the three books that are out now and a preorder link for the 4th book, The Shewolf’s Choice. If you would like to receive an email when I post new reviews, Subscribe Now!