Dragon Mine is Donna Grant’s second book in her latest Dark World series, Dragon Kings. As with the first book, Dragon Revealed, Dark fans get to learn about Zora, the world Erith created for the displaced dragons sent from earth many millennia ago – plus – finally – Grant is dolling out the deets on Zora’s ruling dragons, Brandr and Eurwen (Con and Rhi’s twins)!!!!!! When the King of Dragon Kings and his mate are finally able to set foot on Zora it seems like every sacrifice, every battle, and the unceasing agony of being parted from their kind has finally found cessation. However, meeting their children and seeing the blessed sight of roaring, colorful dragons dot the sky derails within minutes. Only one child will greet them, the dragons want nothing to do with the Kings, and Vaughn, Dreagan’s attorney, appears to have a past connection with their daughter… Oh, and wait, Grant decided the already explosive storyline tailored to this new world needed… something more… An evil, invisible force is creeping about trying to destroy Zora’s serenity by picking off the most powerful local dragons. Has this entity been here the entire time or did the newest threat to dragonkind hitch a ride with Con through the fae doorway?
The Dragon Kings series has all the same feels as Dark Kings. Donna Grant creates spinoffs that fit seamlessly together by rearranging her Dark World boundaries and giving voice to characters we’ve all wanted to know better, characters we’ve known and loved for years, and dotting the plot with brand new antagonists and protagonists! Reading the new Dragon Kings series feels like coming home – if your home has been completely remodeled with multiple new additions attached! Love. Love. Love.
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